Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cherry Street Restaurant and Bar is definitely one of the top most haunted locations we’ve been to. We have lots of activity to report. Cherry Street Restaurant has always known they were haunted and heard a rumor that a lady that died in her bathtub years ago in her apartment upstairs. They call her Roxanne. We’ve discovered that Roxanne has friends. We believe that she has 1 male friend possibly 2.  There were so many experiences I’m not even able to post them all. Below is a small synopsis of our investigation.

Our first team out experienced shadows, cold spots, and heard humming and voices. Our 2nd team felt cold spots, heard noises, voices, and experienced being touched. At some point a couple members of the 2nd team also felt nauseated. Equipment also activated throughout the night.

We captured some EVPs saying help me and one male indicating he was scared of running us off. The other male, on the other hand, was quite annoyed and told us to leave and called one of us a Bas*ard. Another very clear EVP was “vehicle”. We also had a lot of yes answers to questions and sighs.

We were able to debunk one claim of a very large noise in the women’s bathroom and it turned out to be the automatic air freshener. However, there was still a lot of unexplained movement in the women’s bathroom that we captured. We kept running in there and the movement would stop. Our Rem-Pod meter (a device that detects energy) activated in one of the stalls and we captured audio of the doors moving and the paper towel dispenser activating all night long.

The men’s bathroom also had noises and the paper towel dispenser automatically activate for no reason. We finally smartened up and quickly put a camera in the men’s bathroom. We actually caught footage of it activating. Below is a link to a video with this footage. We were in the hallway asking the entity to activate it. All throughout the night these dispensers were going off upon command. You cannot activate these dispensers without being very close to the sensor. We tried to debunk and also did research. The owner also spoke to the company and they have never heard of them activating on their own.

One of our team members clearly saw a shadow then the rest of the team saw another shadow in the pool hall. We have recordings of movement that sounds like pool balls touching each other and also some kind of tapping right next to or on the recorder. No one was present in that room.

The basement is where we were touched and we also heard noises in that location. It was very difficult to capture audio due to the heater but we had personal experiences.

We have nothing to report on the main dining areas as we had our command set up there and did not do any sessions. This was also not a hot spot for activity.

One last thing. Be sure to stop by and have some food and spirits! They have a delicious menu and we are addicted. www.cherrystreetbar.com

IGSS hopes that you find this summary of our investigation interesting. Have a great day!

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