Thursday, January 31, 2013

IGSS word (acronym) of the day: ITC

ITC stands for "Instrumental Transdimensional Communication". It comes down to using various audio and video technologies to elicit and record responses (communication) from another dimension in real-time. ITC differs from EVP as EVPs occur as a recording on a media-either tape or digital audio data- and exist on a purely audio level which tend to only be observed after the event. EVP recordings limit a researcher by having to ask a question then review the data he or she has collected for a possible answer after the fact. ITC's are typically real time sessions in which a audio or video device is used to provide real-time two way communication. There are many experimental ITC devices available for paranormal research such as the Ovilus or the "paranormal puck", "franks box" or the "ghost box".

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