Sunday, May 20, 2012

Paranormal Experience

I got into paranormal investigating not even sure if any of this was actually real. I had always liked the paranormal but had never had any experiences. We would go to locations and investigate and get some good audio, but I never had any personal experiences. Until Forest City. We had gone out there to investigate one location but were told about another when we arrived. The plan was to concentrate on the original location this trip and schedule the other location for another time. Those plans changed when the workers at the other location came to us and started telling us all of their experiences. We quickly packed up and headed to the other house. After a brief tour and a quick set up, we started our investigation. Another investigator and I decided we would go first and start in the basement. We didn't have to wait long for things to start happening. While sitting in the dark we heard what sounded like some plastic that was hanging up down there being moved. This can been seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu3pcNGCbO0&list=UUCfYY_JS_P29UAnpGtRYpMA&index=6&feature=plcp There was no wind and it was hot as fire down there. Remember that it was pitch black and we could not see where this noise had come from, we only knew where to go after the crew watching the DVR told us. Looking back we should have immediately went and investigated the noise. Instead we sat and asked more questions. Finally after 10 minutes we decided to go look. When we got up to the plastic we looked behind it through the gap that was between it and the wall. Sitting on the ground was a ball that was spinning and hopping on it's own. If the ball had been the cause of the plastic moving it would not have still been moving after the amount of time we waited. We did not have the camcorder with us, which I still kick myself for to this very day. So no proof, just a personal experience that I and the other investigator shared.

Rob Depew

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