Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's official. This beautiful building is being torn down.

As our tech specialist said, there will be some homeless ghosts!!!

Don't forget to reserve your spot for the Paranormal Investigation night with Rob Conover at the Bowen Building at the Old Peoria Asylum for the Incurable Insane!!!


Don't forget to watch video 2 of our Bowen/Peoria Asylum video series!!!
We have started the Word of the Day back up.  We have been very busy and unable to post a whole lot over the last week and a half.
IGSS Word of the day: Shadow People-Also known as shadow figures, they are said to be humanoid figures that are seen mostly in peripheral vision and move quickly.  They are sometimes known in modern folklore and the paranormal as dark entities with malevolent intentions.  A shadow can also be simply a ghost.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Two of our teammembers were asked to join Rob Conover and Team CPI (Conover Paranormal Investigations) on an investigation of Waverly Hills in March!  We are very excited at the opportunity and very thankful.  Thank you Rob and Team CPI!!!
We've been quiet but very busy bees this past week working on video development, audio work, and prep for upcoming trips and investigations. 

First on the agenda is meeting with Cherry Street Bar to present results of their investigation.  We will first be hoping that they dig out of the snow!  Galesburg is buried.  We'll be praying everyone is safe!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

http://youtu.be/K-aoDgaDSSY I had posted a video earlier of the Bowen Building that we made of our EVP sessions in the Chapel located in the basement. This is a better link. Be sure to watch. The Bowen will not disappoint you!!! Hope you enjoy!!!
http://youtu.be/MKd_SnqVXyE Attached is video 2 of our Bowen/Peoria Asylum for the Incurable Insane investigative series!  Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A great debunking resource.  http://troytruthseekers.org/ghost-app-image-resource/
Have a paranormal expert question.  Click here and ask away!  David Rountree is a leading expert in the paranormal.  http://www.allexperts.com/ep/3278-120950/Paranormal-Phenomena/David-Rountree.htm

Tuesday, February 19, 2013



Save the Bowen!  Now that the Asbestos is taken care of they still need your help.  They are finally able to get in and do repairs but need a lot of support.

Rob Conover is hosting a big paranormal investigative tour!  Sign up today!!!

Rob Conover Night at the Bowen Building
of the Peoria State Hospital

Date of Event: March 14, 2013 (Thursday 3/14/2013)
Time: 7 pm to 10 pm (Central Time)
Price: $75 per person
Location: Bowen Building
4125 Pfeiffer Road, Bartonville, IL
Parking: Constitution Road and in the Shriners parking lot
(Do not park behind the Bowen, that lot is privately owned and violators will be towed at their own expense)

The event will consist of an hour long talk with Rob and team CPI which will include stories of their many cases and a Ghost Hunting 101 talk with the correct way to use the equipment and proper techniques.

We will then break up into three small groups and will ghost hunt all floors of the Bowen with team CPI and Rob. We will have two members of Robs team on each floor (Approximately 20-30 minutes per floor) along with Rob in the Basement. So you will get three mini-ghost hunts along with the class and lecture.

We are limiting this event to 30 people so sign up quickly.
Rob is availab
Rob has been investigating the paranormal, mainly hauntings, since 1991. Over the course of his career, he has investigated hundreds of haunted residences, businesses, and historic sites. What makes Rob unique is his ability to communicate with entities. 
In the beginning Rob was reluctant to become involved in this strange business, having spent most of his life a skeptic. After an industrial accident took one of his fingers, but left him with the gift of a medium and psychic, Rob made a choice. Now, Rob understands that his ability is a gift from God and he must use it to help guide spirits to Him.
Rob has been featured on many local, national, and international paranormal TV and radio shows.  He has also written a book, Haunted No More, as well as, a self-help guide for those living with a spirit, Dealing with Ghosts.
Rob is available for speaking engagements, psychic readings, private parties, and, of course, haunting investigations. He can be reached at (309)347-5896, or by email at rob@robconover.net.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Our friend Sylvia Shults will be on tonight talking about her book Fractured Spirits and telling stories of the old Peoria State Hospital.  Go to www.para-x.com and listen in tonight! 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

IGSS word of the day: Ions-Electrically charged atom or molecule.

Sorry for posting so late but better late than never!
We will be spending a big chunk of today reviewing audio for our last case!  Hopefully we can capture some things that we experienced at Cherry Street Bar and Grill!

Friday, February 15, 2013

IGSS word of the day
Mist or Fog-Non-paranormal mists and fogs are often captured in photos and believed to be an entity.  Chances are it's not paranormal. 

Pictures showing a mist or fog are normally caused by someone's breath, smoking, firepits, or other factors in the environment.  A lot of these photos are outside and people assume they are paranormal.  Even when taking a series of photos your breath WILL show up in one photo and yet not the rest.  Don't even try to hold you breath when you snap.  It still won't work; it will leak from your nose.  Experiments prove over and over again that holding your breath does you no good.  There is no good way to prevent this because you have to breath; but, being aware of these facts can help you with debunking.  It's better to debunk than to publish something non-paranormal. 

The most frequent photos seen with mists or fog are usually taken on a cold night.  Even if you can't see your breath, THE CAMERA WILL!  Often we try to convince people that mists are their breath when we see snow on the ground.  It is a typical occurrence.  Our website has a variety of these photos from our very own back yard; we don't have ghosts.  Enjoy!

Study up on photography before publishing photos you believe are paranormal. Knowledge is power.  Have a great day!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Bowen Building at the Peoria Asylum is now at a very high risk of being torn down this year. It is extremely haunted and don't miss your chance to save the building. Make a donation today.  www.peoria-asylum.org. Also, get in there while you can. Tours and investigations are ongoing. See our video below of some results we captured. More videos in this series will follow.


You have to experience it yourself! It’s warming up out there! Get in there fast! See below for touring information. Investigators, YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPPOINTED!
Tour Info:
Historical and Paranormal tours of the building and Asylum cemeteries are every Friday and Saturday night.

Historical tours are $10 per person and begin at 4:30PM and again at 5:30PM.
(For an extra $10 per person you can add the 3 cemeteries to the tour.)

Paranormal tour/ghost hunts are $25 per person and add an extra $15 per person if you choose to tour the 3 cemeteries during this time. Ghost hunt begins at 6:00PM and again at 9:00PM. These are at 2 1/2 hours in length.

Do you dare to spend the night in the building? Overnight paranormal investigations are available. $100 per person for Midnight to 6:00AM. Private tours also available from Sunday-Thursday with a minimum of 5 people.

For more details or to set up your tour or ghost hunt contact Trish Weiss-Just at 309-202-1357 or via Email at trish_bowen08@yahoo.com

Video One: Bowen Building October 2012 1st Floor
See More

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Check out our first video of a video series from the Peoria Asylum Bowen Building.  You have to experience it yourself!  It’s warming up out there!  Get in there fast!  See below for touring information.  Investigators, YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPPOINTED!

Tour Info:

Historical and Paranormal tours of the building and Asylum cemeteries are every Friday and Saturday night.

Historical tours are $10 per person and begin at 4:30PM and again at 5:30PM.

(For an extra $10 per person you can add the 3 cemeteries to the tour.)

Paranormal tour/ghost hunts are $25 per person and add an extra $15 per person if you choose to tour the 3 cemeteries during this time.  Ghost hunt begins at 6:00PM and again at 9:00PM.  These are at 2 1/2 hours in length. 


Do you dare to spend the night in the building?  Overnight paranormal investigations are available.  $100 per person for Midnight to 6:00AM.  Private tours also available from Sunday-Thursday with a minimum of 5 people. 


For more details or to set up your tour or ghost hunt contact Trish Weiss-Just at 309-202-1357 or via Email at trish_bowen08@yahoo.com
IGSS Word of the Day Haunted-A person, place, or thing to which a spirit is attached.  The spirits can be human or non-human in nature.

Paranormal investigators please note these Word of the Day posts are for public education. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Be sure to check out our friend Rob Conover's Website!  www.robconover.com
EMF-ITC by Digital Dowsing review by Jim Gentry IGSS' tech specialist.

I am going to try and religiously post candid reviews about new paranormal equipment as we acquire them. These will be non-biased, matter-of-fact reviews and are my opinion of the device. Your opinions may vary from mine.

We went to a very active location last night and ran the EMF-ITC from Bill Chappell's company Digital Dowsing through its paces.

Let me give you an overview of the different modes it offers.

1. EMF mode. This mode simply displays EMF levels. There are sub modes within this mode you can activate that displays in addition to the EMF meter such as air ion count, EMF 3-channel axis view, EMF high/low levels, EMF graphical scope, and EMF HZ (frequency)

You can also set EMF "alarms" for EMF minimum and maximum when EMF drops above or below a certain threshold, EMF "above" when it goes above a certain level, EMF "below" when EMF drops below a certain level, EMF ZERO, for areas with constantly higher EMF readings it allows you to set the EMF sensor to zero, LED SCALE, which allows you to adjust the sensitivity on the LED lights.

2. Ovilus mode. Shows up to 6 words on the screen based on multiple environmental inputs read from the various sensors.

3. YES/NO mode. Based on changes in the local environment, it will display YES or NO. If no change, a "-" is displayed.

4. EMF DRAW mode. "Draws" changes of EMF in the LCD screen.

5. Dowsing Rod mode. Based on the 4 internal EMF sensors, shows a graphics representation of dowsing rods indicating where energy is in regards to your location. The rods will show an "X" when on top of the energy source.

There is also a SYSTEM MENU, which allows you to calibrate the meter (factory can only gain access to this menu option I'm told), and set sensitivity levels for the ion counter, frequency detection circuit, and sensitivity for the EMF DRAW function.

I found the meter to be responsive to changes in EMF and liked the LED EMF level representation so you can monitor the level or change from a distance or via a DVR camera. Some of the modes I found to be a little "out there" such as the EMF draw function which gives you a graphical representation of EMF fluctuations. I guess this could be used to look for symbols or drawings made by EMF changes or to look for patterns, but I think this mode would rarely produce anything considered meaningful and even if it did, it could just be coincidence. The YES/NO mode didn't go off for us at all during a 20 minute session of question asking, even though we had undeniable activity going on around us. The Ovilus mode did display a word or two that appeared to be coherent answers to our questions, but I'm a huge skeptic of the Ovilus and don't put any faith in the results it produces. The dowsing rod mode was pretty interesting and did appear to work well in directing us towards higher EMF areas.

In conclusion, its a nice fancy EMF meter with some interesting additional functions tacked onto it. If you like to play around with new interesting features that are new and offbeat and you are a big fan of the Ovilus, then this device is a must for you. We will continue to use this meter and some of its additional modes at future investigations and it'll be interesting to see what future results with it may yield.
EMF-ITC review.

I am going to try and religiously post candid reviews about new paranormal equipment as we acquire them.    These will be non-biased, matter-of-fact reviews and are my opinion of the device.   Your opinions may vary from mine.

We went to a very active location last night and ran the EMF-ITC from Bill Chappell's company Digital Dowsing through its paces.

Let me give you an overview of the different modes it offers.

1.   EMF mode.   This mode simply displays EMF levels.   There are sub modes within this mode you can activate that displays in addition to the EMF meter such as air ion count, EMF 3-channel axis view, EMF high/low levels, EMF graphical scope, and EMF HZ (frequency)

You can also set EMF "alarms" for EMF minimum and maximum when EMF drops above or below a certain threshold, EMF "above" when it goes above a certain level, EMF "below" when EMF drops below a certain level, EMF ZERO, for areas with constantly higher EMF readings it allows you to set the EMF sensor to zero, LED SCALE, which allows you to adjust the sensitivity on the LED lights.

2.   Ovilus mode.   Shows up to 6 words on the screen based on multiple environmental inputs read from the various sensors.

3.   YES/NO mode.   Based on changes in the local environment, it will display YES or NO.   If no change, a "-" is displayed.

4.  EMF DRAW mode.   "Draws"  changes of EMF in the LCD screen.   

5.  Dowsing Rod mode.   Based on the 4 internal EMF sensors, shows a graphics representation of dowsing rods indicating where energy is in regards to your location.   The rods will show an "X" when on top of the energy source.

There is also a SYSTEM MENU, which allows you to calibrate the meter (factory can only gain access to this menu option I'm told), and set sensitivity levels for the ion counter, frequency detection circuit, and sensitivity for the EMF DRAW function.

I found the meter to be responsive to changes in EMF and liked the LED EMF level  representation so you can monitor the level or change from a distance or via a DVR camera.   Some of the modes I found to be a little "out there" such as the EMF draw function which gives you a graphical representation of EMF fluctuations.   I guess this could be used to look for symbols or drawings made by EMF changes or to look for patterns, but I think this mode would rarely produce anything considered meaningful and even if it did, it could just be coincidence.    The YES/NO mode didn't go off for us at all during a 20 minute session of question asking, even though we had undeniable activity going on around us.   The Ovilus mode did display a word or two that appeared to be coherent answers to our questions, but I'm a huge skeptic of the Ovilus and don't put any faith in the results it produces.   The dowsing rod mode was pretty interesting and did appear to work well in directing us towards higher EMF areas.

In conclusion, its a nice fancy EMF meter with some interesting additional functions tacked onto it.   If you like to play around with new interesting features that are new and offbeat and you are a big fan of the Ovilus, then this device is a must for you.   We will continue to use this meter and some of its additional modes at future investigations and it'll be interesting to see what future results with it may yield.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Illinois Ghost Seekers investigated Cherry Street Bar and Grill last night.  We experienced many things.  The automatic paper towel holders would activate upon command, shadows, voices, and 2 of our investigators had their hair played with.  Hope to have audio and video reviewed soon!
IGSS Word of the Day
White Noise-An acousitcal or electrical noise of which the intensity is the same at all frequencies within a given band.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

IGSS Word of the Day: Percipient-Person who sees an apparition.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

IGSS Word of the Day: Poltergeist-A miscievious or malevolent ghost or non-human entity creating noise, moving objects, and creating other physical disturbances.  There is also a theory that poltergeists can be created by people themselves from their own energy.  Usually young girls are the most common cases of this activity.
Share your paranormal encounters on our website!  Go to our storybook here.  http://www.illinoisghost.com/#!share-your-stories!  We'd love to hear your stories!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

We just learned that tonights The Dead Files program on the Travel Channel had a story about a home in Bloomington, IL.  http://www.travelchannel.com/tv-shows/the-dead-files/episodes/forgotten
IGSS has updated our website to include a small set of prayers for those who feel they want to say a prayer at their home or for those who want to protect themselves doing a paranormal investigation or for any other need.  We have also included a new section of photography with explainations of non-paranormal photos that many believe could be ghosts.  There is also a new page called PHOTO ANALYSIS.  We can analyze your photos!  Submit them to igss@illinoisghost.com.  With your approval we may feature your photo on the website!!!
IGSS' #illinoisghost first video of a series of videos from the Bowen Building investigation with 92.3. Huge thanks to the owners for allowing us to perform this investigation with 92.3 and other media outlets!!!

Illinois Ghost Seekers will be doing an investigation in Galesburg, IL Sunday night!  #illinoisghost  We are anxious for this one.  Beautiful location. 
IGSS Word of the Day:
Focal person-Person or agent who is at the center of poltergeist activity.  This person may or may not be aware of the phenomena being centerd around them.  Not in all cases but most cases the focal person is a female approaching or in puberty.  Source-Theresa Cheung

Thursday, February 7, 2013

IGSS Word of the Day:
Anniversary Imprint-An imprint that usualy manifests around the same time each year.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

IGSS Word of the Day:

Shadow People-Also known as shadow figures.  It is said that they are humanoid figures that are seen mostly in peripheral vision and move quickly.  They are sometimes known in modern folklore and paranormal as dark entities with malevolent intentions.  We believe the are just a form of ghosts that manifest themselves in a different way.  All in the paranormal community have their own theories and ideas of who shadow people really are.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

IGSS word of the day:
Residual Haunting

A haunted that is replayed like a video over and over at a location in which a ghost, spirit, or entity is directly involved.  One example is hearing gun shots in an old haunted bed and breakfast in Gettysburg.
Stumbled upon a ghost game on FB.  Check it out.  Disney Ghosts of Mistwood.  Looks cute.  Hope to play later today.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Anxious to try our new RVPR this coming Sunday at our next investigation in Galesburg.  Look at this fancy device!  Lovin' it already!
We've updated our monthly Midnight News!

Check out our February News Page! http://www.illinoisghost.com/#!midnight-news
Posted by Rob Depew: Here is a great book by local author Sylvia Shults about the Peoria State Hospital. It has some history, details some of Sylvia’s experiences with local paranormal groups at the buildings, and explains some of the equipment used. It is available on Nook, Kindle, and paperback. Also join her on the Fractured spirits Facebook page!

Illinois Ghost Seekers is featured in Sylvia's book. Thank you Sylvia!!!

BARNES & NOBLE | fractured spirits hauntings at the peoria state hospital
FIND fractured spirits hauntings at the peoria state hospital on Barnes & Noble. Free 3-Day shipping on $25 orders!
IGSS Word of the Day

Electromagnetic Field (EMF)-A field of electronically, high frequency waves given off by objects such as electrical devices, power lines, appliances, bad wiring, pipes, and more.  Having high EMF can cause illness, hallucinations, and other side-effects.  It is also possibly paranormal in nature.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

IGSS Word of the Day:

Superbowl: annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL), the highest level of professional American football in the United States. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

From our investigator Jim Gentry:
For an investigator that has an iPhone or iPod and not a lot of money for a professional recording device, why not turn your iPhone into a Tascam DR series recorder! Two condenser mics are adjustable to 180 degrees and you can download the free Tascam app to give it that Tascam interface look that all of their recorders have. Plus, why not record high definition video with your iPhone while you record high quality stereo with your phone or iPods HD recording features! Currently, you can buy these for the unheard of price of $29 each. These normally retail for $80 each of higher! B&H Photo Video Pro Audio currently is the only place offering them for sale at this ridiculous price. Only on sale for a very limited time.

Here is the link to the manufacturer's site for this product so you can see pics and product specs:


Friday, February 1, 2013

We are anxiously waiting for 2 special Dynamic microphones.  These are different than your average microphone.  We are creating a device that includes these microphones and the Tascam DR-40 Voice Recorder.  The Tascam is one of the highest level recorders in the world of electronics.  We were so excited to receive it yesterday.  David Rountree and his partner Paul Browning developed this device and it is called the RVPR.  David and Paul take paranormal investigating to the next level and are quite experienced in many areas.

Below is David's bio:
David Rountree is the Director of Scientific Paranormal Investigative Research Information and Technology, a paranormal research Laboratory dedicated to the design build of detection and data recording of environmental aspects of paranormal Phenomena, and Co-Director of the New Jersey Paranormal Research Group, and investigative organization which performs investigations and field experimentation.

David has been involved in the paranormal research field since 1976. He is a professional member of the Rhine Research Center, the Audio Engineering Society, The International Frequency Sensor Association, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. David’s background as an audio and acoustic engineer, police officer, and current studies in physics and Quantum Mechanics makes him a vital contributor to the SPIRIT/NJPRG mix. David designs and builds much of the specialized equipment used on investigations with input from other team members. David prides himself in being able to find natural sources for many of the claims they encounter, but has the knowledge and ability to analyze and theorize about the phenomena that defies rational explanations.
David has published a book called Paranormal Technology: Understanding the Science of Ghost Hunting.  ISBN: 1450253563You will not find this kind of knowledge in any other ghost hunting book.
IGSS Word of the Day

Hot Spot-A site within a haunted location that frequent paranormal activity  or more prominate energy.

Felt this Word of the Day was only appropriate considering it is only 3 degrees here in Central Illinois today.