Sunday, March 31, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Picture of the day: I personally am addicted to the slug bug game so this picture is dear to my heart.  It is a clever way to dress up the perfect bug.  Love it!!!

By the way, cream ecto bug; no slugs back!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

IGSS has a case in Hamilton, IL.  We hope we can help them.
IGSS Word of the Day: Rapping-Rapping is a form of tapping, knocking, banging that was used in seances for spirit communication.  Rapping actually started back in medieval times!  Most people know of Rapping because of the well known Fox sisters in 1848. 

It is still used today as a form of communication.  Be careful.  Even today there can be con artists that try to use the Rapping technique.  A person should be cautious as it is hard to find the real deal in the world of mediumship. 
I thought this photo was cool.  Some people pay respects to their loved ones by planting a tree on their grave.  Thought this was an amazing photo.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

IGSS word of the day: Devils Mark-A blemish or mark on the skin believed by demonologists or some witch-hunters to be a stamp of the devil.  People were killed for such simple things.  Thank God I don't live in those times because I have a birthmark on my face!!!  I am curious if anyone believes that today; if so I hope I never encounter these people. 
Picture of the day

Good morning from mr. Egg head.  He is more frightened of humans than we are of him.  He sure looks tasty!

We ordered the flexible Faraday pouch for our P-SB7 spirit box and it should be here in a couple of days. We will let you know our results with it once we run it through its paces. This flexible pouch specifically shields your P-SB7 from receiving AM / FM music and talk radio signals. By positioning the P-SB7 at different locations within the Faraday cage pouch, you can block ALL or portions of strong AM/FM channels. The pouch is big enough to hold a P-SB7 and an amplified speaker as large as an Altec Lansing, like the one Zak uses on Ghost Adventures. According to the manufacturer, "this accessory is perfect for the serious Spirit Box user because it will allow them to experiment by attenuating and 'tweaking' the radio frequency reception during their sessions."
We ordered the flexible Faraday pouch for our P-SB7 spirit box and it should be here in a couple of days.   We will let you know our results with it once we run it through its paces.    This flexible pouch specifically shields your P-SB7 from receiving AM / FM music and talk radio signals. By positioning the P-SB7 at different locations within the Faraday cage pouch, you can block ALL or portions of strong AM/FM channels. The pouch is big enough to hold a P-SB7 and an amplified speaker as large as an Altec Lansing, like the one Zak uses on Ghost Adventures.   According to the manufacturer, "this accessory is perfect for the serious Spirit Box user because it will allow them to experiment by attenuating and 'tweaking' the radio frequency reception during their sessions."

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Those celebrating hard be sure to find a designated driver and stay safe!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

IGSS Word of the Day: Tash-An Irish word for a ghost that can appear as a human or in animal form.  An interesting fact.  In some parts of Ireland it is superstitious to morn a person for too long or it is believed they will return as a ghost instead of moving on.-Source: Theresa Chenug

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cherry Street Restaurant and Bar is definitely one of the top most haunted locations we’ve been to. We have lots of activity to report. Cherry Street Restaurant has always known they were haunted and heard a rumor that a lady that died in her bathtub years ago in her apartment upstairs. They call her Roxanne. We’ve discovered that Roxanne has friends. We believe that she has 1 male friend possibly 2.  There were so many experiences I’m not even able to post them all. Below is a small synopsis of our investigation.

Our first team out experienced shadows, cold spots, and heard humming and voices. Our 2nd team felt cold spots, heard noises, voices, and experienced being touched. At some point a couple members of the 2nd team also felt nauseated. Equipment also activated throughout the night.

We captured some EVPs saying help me and one male indicating he was scared of running us off. The other male, on the other hand, was quite annoyed and told us to leave and called one of us a Bas*ard. Another very clear EVP was “vehicle”. We also had a lot of yes answers to questions and sighs.

We were able to debunk one claim of a very large noise in the women’s bathroom and it turned out to be the automatic air freshener. However, there was still a lot of unexplained movement in the women’s bathroom that we captured. We kept running in there and the movement would stop. Our Rem-Pod meter (a device that detects energy) activated in one of the stalls and we captured audio of the doors moving and the paper towel dispenser activating all night long.

The men’s bathroom also had noises and the paper towel dispenser automatically activate for no reason. We finally smartened up and quickly put a camera in the men’s bathroom. We actually caught footage of it activating. Below is a link to a video with this footage. We were in the hallway asking the entity to activate it. All throughout the night these dispensers were going off upon command. You cannot activate these dispensers without being very close to the sensor. We tried to debunk and also did research. The owner also spoke to the company and they have never heard of them activating on their own.

One of our team members clearly saw a shadow then the rest of the team saw another shadow in the pool hall. We have recordings of movement that sounds like pool balls touching each other and also some kind of tapping right next to or on the recorder. No one was present in that room.

The basement is where we were touched and we also heard noises in that location. It was very difficult to capture audio due to the heater but we had personal experiences.

We have nothing to report on the main dining areas as we had our command set up there and did not do any sessions. This was also not a hot spot for activity.

One last thing. Be sure to stop by and have some food and spirits! They have a delicious menu and we are addicted. www.cherrystreetbar.com

IGSS hopes that you find this summary of our investigation interesting. Have a great day!
Check out our latest video!  This video is of Cherry Street Restaurant and Grill located in Galesburg, IL.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULz56-DPbL0

It is one of the top two most haunted locations we've been in yet!!!  This is only a small sample of EVPs we captured.  We've captured well over 2 dozen clear evps as well as lots of movement throughout the night.  Our team has also witnessed shadows.

Thank you Cherry Street Restaurant and Bar!  www.cherrystreetbar.com 
IGSS Word of the Day: Psychometry-The ability to get impressions intuitively of an objects past history simply by touching or handling it.
Photo of the day
Posed by Jim Gentry on our group page.
‎7 Signs of Paranormal Activity: Are You Being Haunted?

Recognizing the signs of paranormal activity is the most important step in resolving issues caused by unknown entities. Every case is different and your experience is likely to differ from that of your neighbor or friend. There are some common activities that paranormal investigators and researchers believe to be indicators of existing or ensuing paranormal activity.

# 1. Phantom sounds can take the form of voices, music or repetitive noises that occur at regular intervals. The characteristic sound of footsteps in the night, laughing, crying or music that occur at regular intervals are attributed to a residual haunting. Intelligent or inhuman spirits may create sounds to get your attention or to communicate with you in some way. You may experience the sounds of knocking, tapping or scratching in the wall or loud crashes and bangs with no identifiable cause. Each is characteristic of specific types of hauntings.

# 2. Phantom smells may signal the presence of a spirit. Smells may accompany a residual haunting, often reported as the telltale perfume worn by the deceased. The scent of a cigar or other scents associated with the deceased may suddenly appear at certain times or in particular locations. Inhuman spirits may emit a foul odor before or during a manifestation.

# 3. Cold spots with no physical reason often accompany hauntings. The theory is that spirits need energy to manifest and draw energy from the surroundings, resulting in an area colder than the surrounding air by as much as 20 to 40 degrees. The cold spot seldom remains in one area for a prolonged period and may precede a manifestation or other paranormal activity.

# 4. Unusual physical sensations may signal paranormal activity. Dizziness, light headedness, a feeling of oppression or pressure on the chest, or nausea may suddenly become overwhelming when a spirit is present. Other physical sensations include the feeling of being touched, the feeling of being watched, hair standing on end or extreme apprehension.

# 5. Electrical interference may occur either during or before paranormal activity. Lights may flicker or fail, televisions and radios may suddenly turn on and off and appliances may start up on their own. Doorbells may ring at odd times, batteries often suddenly drain and equipment like cameras and recorders may fail only to resume working later as though it never happened.

# 6. Physical manipulation of objects is often one of the most frightening signs of paranormal activity. Doors and windows may suddenly slam shut (even when there is no draft present), cupboards may open and close without cause and objects may be hurled from their original position and land in the middle of the floor. In cases of poltergeist or inhuman hauntings, furniture may be moved, pictures on the wall may be rearranged and items may be stacked or piled in unusual places like the center of the floor. In less severe cases, common objects like keys, books or your remote may disappear and reappear in another location.

# 7. Full body manifestations (or apparitions) of a spirit or entity in a recognizable form are the hallmark of paranormal activity. For many, these may be the first or only sign. Because it is difficult to dismiss or attribute to other causes, a person who observes a manifestation is generally convinced that what he/she sees is real. Manifestations may take the form of a human, animal or unknown beast that may or may not be aware of your existence.

In the case of residual ghosts the image has been imprinted on the environment, usually due to a traumatic or emotionally charged event, and replays at regular intervals whether you are present or not. This ghost may appear in the form of a loved one, leading observers to believe their loved one is visiting. The residual ghost cannot interact with you and is unaware of your presence.

Intelligent ghosts may manifest at any time as they attempt to communicate with you in some way. Intelligent spirits are believed to be the spirits of those who have passed on who have unfinished business to attend to on earth. They may be confused souls who are unaware of their passing or may not know how to leave this plane and go to the next. Intelligent ghosts may seek human assistance to complete tasks or simply to find their way to the light.

Inhuman spirits may take the form of beasts or appear as demon-like creatures. These spirits never existed as humans and are generally angry or destructive as they attempt to frighten you. It is relatively rare, but these spirits do have the power to inflict harm to humans.

Shadows are thought to be caused by spirits that do not have enough energy to manifest fully. These may be fleeting images crouched in corners or near closets, or may be free floating. The characteristic shadow person or shadow man seen lurking in dark areas has been reported by many. Whether or not the shadow man is the result of human haunting is uncertain, but some theories suggest he/she is from another dimension or even alien.

If you or someone you know is experiencing the signs of paranormal activity, the first step is to determine if there are any other possible causes of the phenomenon. Investigate the occurrence looking for natural causes of shadows, lights and sounds. Check doors and windows to see if they swing open in response to drafts or other household activity. A vibrating dryer in the next room may cause dishes to rattle or pictures to fall. Lights from passing cars, or pedestrians crossing in front of a streetlight, may cast unusual shadows that appear to move on their own. Flickering lights and electrical disturbances may be the result of faulty wiring. Eliminate all known sources before jumping to the conclusion that what you are experiencing is a paranormal event.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

We are looking for a new researcher for our team. If interested, please click on this link to complete an application. We will contact you as soon as possible.


Photo of the Day

IGSS Word of the Day: Mini Geller-A term given to children or teens who have metal bending abilities such as spoon bending.  A small handful of these special people have been documented in laboratories by parapsychologists. 
Interesting Fact: Peoria Public Library made this top 10 list of haunted libraries in the country.


Monday, March 11, 2013

We have a possible case in Galesburg and we're also doing a reveal in Galesburg tomorrow.   It seems to be the hoppin' town the month.
IGSS Word of the Day: Premonition-feeling or sensing a possible event in the future.  Most often people feel something bad is going to happen.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Photo of the day
IGSS Word of the Day: Debunk-Attempts made to discredit or to verify non-paranormal activity.  Although some of you are wondering why in the world would they post this, there is a reason.  So many are so anxious to find something paranormal that they do not take the time to debunk or seek the truth.  Seeking the truth is also a priority not just seeking the paranormal.  That is what the title "Paranormal Investigator" means.  Investigate not assume all things are parnanormal.  We like to also seek the truth.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

We will be meeting with a client on Tuesday to reveal amazing evidence including video from a most recent location. Hopefully we are able to post this evidence pending client's approval.
IGSS has uploaded video 3 of our video series of the Bowen Building.  Be sure to click on the attached link and watch the video!  We hope that you enjoy video three of our investigation!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8TeUyRXSGs
IGSS Word of the Day: White Noise-An acousitcal or electrical noise of which the intensity is the same at all frequencies within a given band.  It is said that ghosts can be heard through white noise.
Please note that all the posts I post about Waverly Hills are of an investigation performed by Rob Conover and Team CPI.  Only 2 of us were guests.  Our team did not investigate the building as a whole.  :)  Big thanks to Rob for inviting us to investigate with him and participating in the amazing adventure!!!!
New famous quote "We're walking side by side, DO NOT WALK FASTER THAN ME".  My quote as I walk on 1st floor of Waverly Hills with Rob.  LOL

Thursday, March 7, 2013

IGSS Word of the Day: Vortex-A vortex is energy in motion.  Many many photos are mistaken as photos with vortexes.  Camera straps, hair, etc. are caught close to the camera lens leading people, including paranormal investigators, to believe they've caught a vortex.  We are not saying that a vortex may not exist but 99% of all pictures claimed to be a vortex are actually true.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

IGSS Midnight News (our monthly newsletter) has been updated on our website.  Be sure to check it out!!!


Here are pictures of Illinois Ghost Seeker's latest investigation.  Our investigation was at Cherry Street Restaurant and Bar.  Be sure to check them out! 

IGSS Word of the Day: Anniversary Imprint-An imprint that usualy manifests around the same time each year.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Power 92.3 made their own video of their photos and experiences at our paranormal investigation at the Bowen building/Peoria Asylum for Incurable Insane.  Here is the attached link to the video.  Enjoy!!!


Photo copyrighted by Eford Freelance
A humerous video about ghost hunting featuring the new Ghosthunters (tm) phone app.  Looks like a cute game!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

This site posted by Doug Curry is pretty good.  It's original WWII photos of soldiers on streets then they place the soldiers on a modern photo of today.  KEEP IN MIND THESE ARE NOT REAL GHOSTS.  IT'S A PROJECT.  ITS BEAUTIFUL ART NOT PARANORMAL.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Test post number 3.  I think I got it!
Google+ has failed me again.  Can't seem to get it to connect to other accounts.  Thank you Google.
test 2
We will be working all day on reconnecting our social networks appropriately so everyone will see a lot of test messages.  Thanks!
Word of the day: Lens flare is another common occurance in general photography that is often confused as paranormal. 

Lens flare is basically another light source around the subject of your picture.  Above, below, on the side, or even a reflection off of an object somewhere in the room.  It even happens in movies.  Yes it can be mistaken for orbs.